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Why we are supporting these charities...
When Brian was recovering during a whole year in hospital, he received tremendous support from both the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) and Back Up.
So, we have chosen to donate all the profits from book sales to these charities *see below for details

Any profit made from sales of our books will be donated to the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) and Back Up in equal proportions.
Profit will be determined by taking overall income from sales of the books and deducting certain expenses. These expenses include, but are not limited to:
design and printing costs
postage and packing costs
administration and financial management costs
commissions or fees taken by distributors and retailers
certain marketing expenses deemed essential to promote awareness of the books
Proper records of all income and expenditure will be kept and these will be made available to the charities for inspection at any time.
We are pleased to say that we currently have the following sponsors helping us by contributing to our operating costs. By lending their support, these firms are ensuring that we maximise the amount of money we can donate to the charities we support.

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